Showing 85–96 of 416 results

Code Pin Yin Common Name Chinese
K611 Sheng Di Huang Rehmannia (Fresh) 生地黃
K610 Sheng Jiang Ginger (Fresh) 生薑
K562 Sheng Ma Cimicifuga (Black Cohosh Rhizome) 升麻
K601 Shi Chang Pu Sweetflag Rhizome (Acorus) 石菖蒲
K599 Shi Gao Gypsum 石膏
K533 Shan Yao Chinese Yam (Dioscorea) 山藥
K532 Shan Zha Hawthorn Fruit (Crataegus) 山楂
K541 Shan Zhu Yu Cornus Fruit 山茱萸
K790 She Chuang Zi Cnidium Fruit 蛇床子
K767 She Gan Belamcanda Rhizome 射干
K748 Sang Ye Mulberry Leaf 桑葉
K750 Sang Zhi Mulberry Twig 桑枝

Showing 85–96 of 416 results